@article{oai:klc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000145, author = {梅崎, 高行}, journal = {紀要visio : research reports, Visio}, month = {Jul}, note = {理論と実践の幸福な結びつきを目指し、議論がなされてきた。そのうちもっとも説得的なものは、知の違いを出発点とした Theory in practice (実践の中の理論 : 佐藤、1998)の議論であろう (宮崎、1998)。知の違いに立つことで、実践知と科学知は、互いに刺激/視点資源的な関係を結ぶことができるのである。ただし、このとき理論家は、何が豊かな実践で、何がそうでないか (無責任な実践か)、判断が求められる。そこで、従来動機づけ理論が重ねてきた望ましさのオルタナティブな議論を越え、「取り組みとは何者かに近づくアイデンティティ形成である」(レイプ&ヴェンガー、1993) と捉え直すことで、豊かな実践をメタ的に定義したい。本稿で取り上げた事例からは、こうした豊かな実践が、科学知を相対化していることも見て取れる。そうした実践から理論家が学び、また新たな知を生成していくことで、理論と実践の結びつきは強められるだろう。同時に無責任な実践による科学知のゆがんだ援用も、遠ざけることができるだろう。以上、知の違いを自覚し相手の知に敬意を払うこと、また自らの知を反省的に見つめ鍛え続けることは、何者かになろうとしている子どものために、両知が果たすべき責任といえるだろう。, The discussion on how to realize a desirable relation between the theory and the practice has been made for a long time. One of the most persuasive discussions made among them is the Theory in practice (Sato, 1998) which made the difference in knowledge as starting point of its consideration. (Miyazaki, 1998). Practical knowledge and scientific knowledge can be connected with a relation like a stimulus and viewpoint resources be realizing the difference of the knowledge. However, at this time, a theorist shall judge what is the rich practice and what is not. In this paper, rich practice is defined as "identity formation" (Lave & Wenger, 1993). Thereby, the discussion on the conventional alternative can be overcome. It was also realized from the example shown in this paper that the rich practice employs scientific knowledge efficiently. By taking such knowledge, a theorist can also generate new knowledge. In this way, relation of knowledge becomes firm. At the same time, the misuse of the knowledge in the science by irresponsible practice could also be avoided. A theorist and a practitioner must be premised on the difference of knowledge, and shall pay respect to their mutual knowledge, and regaze at their knowledge as well. This is for the sake of a child who wants to fulfill his dream, which a theorist and a practitioner shall take responsibility of.}, pages = {49--60}, title = {動機づけを想定しない実践}, volume = {31}, year = {2004} }